
An emu-send program should be available after installing the package. This program takes a Measurement Set and transmits it over the network using the preferred transmission method.

Configuration options

Configuration options can be given through a configuration file or through the command-line. See emu-send -h for details.

The following configuration categories/names are supported:

  • reader: these are configuration options applied when reading the input Measurement Set.
  • start_chan: the first channel for which data is read. Channels before this one are skipped. If start_chan is bigger than the actual number of channels in the input MS an error is raised.
  • num_chan: number of channels for which data is read. If num_chan + start_chan are bigger than the actual number of channels in the input MS then num_chan is adjusted.
  • num_repeats: number of times a single set of visibilities should be sent after being read, defaults to 1. Bigger values will send the same data over and over, which is less realistic but imposes less stress on the file-system.
  • transmission: these are options that apply to the transmission method.
  • method: the transmission method to use, defaults to spead2.
  • target_host: the host where data will be sent to.
  • target_port_start: the first port where data will be sent to.
  • channels_per_stream: number of channels for which data will be sent in a single stream.
  • max_packet_size: the maximum size of packets to build, used by spead2.
  • rate: the maximum send data rate, in bytes/s. Used by spead2, defaults to 1 GB/s.