
This is a standard setuptools-based program so the usual installation methods should work, and all dependencies should be automatically pulled. The only caveat is that some of the dependencies are found in the CAR server instead of PyPI, so we need to point pip to the CAR in order to them:

# Go into the top-level directory of this repository
cd ska-cbf-sdp-emulator

# Using "pip" will automatically install any dependencies from PyPI
pip install --extra-index-url= .

# Use pip in editable mode if you are actively changing the code
pip install --extra-index-url= -e .

Note that this package can also be installed directly via pip from the CAR itself:

pip install --extra-index-url= \

Alternatively, if the latest development version is needed, it can also be installed from the upstream git repository itself:

pip install --extra-index-url= \